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FARO Cultural Centers

Mexico City's FARO Cultural Centers are an ongoing testimony to the power of art and culture.

The success story that began with the FARO del Oriente. Today, there are eight FARO centers covering most of Mexico City. They're attended by people from all over the capital and surrounding areas.

Some FAROs will sell out learning courses. And they offer everything from woodworking to hip-hop. They'll often need to reschedule additional courses to meet demand. They're community centers, but also factories of skills, talents, vision, and history.

While all of them hold special events open to the public, most FAROs are also busy schools. Students and staff come and go, but there's never a quiet day. Check the Facebook pages of the individual FARO Cultural Centers for the most up-to-date schedule of events, exhibitions, recitals, and fairs. There's always a lot happening.

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